Federal Tax Ombudsman

Federal Tax Ombudsman

This institution is headed by Federal Tax Ombudsman, who is assisted by Advisors and Consultants in all major tax issues including Income Tax, Customs, Sales Tax, and Federal Excise. The FTO institution has seven regional offices located at major business hubs of the country with headquarter in Islamabad. This institution strives to help improve tax processes and promote good governance in the Federal Board of Revenue besides providing prompt relief to aggrieved taxpayers.
With the establishment of the helpdesk of FTO and the appointment of an Honorary coordinator (business liaison), the aggrieved taxpayers and members of GCCI may proceed/ Submit complaints against the decision of the tax functionaries upon which FTO takes action for the redressal of these lodged complaints.
For details, visit: https://fto.gov.pk

Federal Tax Ombudsman